


Chef Kyohei Igarashi studied at the culinary institute in Yamagata, Japan, along the coast of Japan in the southern Tohoku Region. After his studies, Chef Kyohei Igarashi moved to Tokyo and Yokohama to begin his culinary journey with a dedication to perfecting his culinary techniques with master chefs in both high-end sushi and kaiseki restaurants for 15 years. He then traveled outside of Japan for 9 years to explore sushi and Japanese cuisine in various countries internationally. His last venture before moving to Toronto was leading the omakase counter at a high-end Michelin omakase restaurant overseas under a Master Chef who held One Michelin Star in Japan for 7 years.

Our meticulously curated menus showcase Chef Kyohei’s creative interpretation of traditional Japanese omakase, elevated by his unique kaiseki techniques and global inspirations. Every meal represents the culmination of extensive preparation, reflecting decades of expertise in achieving the delicate balance of fish quality, rice, proportion and temperature. Each dish is artfully crafted using seasonal ingredients, resulting in an unforgettable harmony of flavours and textures that promises to leave a lasting and memorable impression.

Chef Igarashi’s unwavering passion to share the delights of truly exceptional sushi worldwide has led him to Toronto with the desire to enrich the city’s vibrant culinary scene through his creative blend of natural flavors and distinctive techniques acquired during his international culinary journey. At Sushi Yūgen, we aspire to instill unforgettable moments that extend beyond the boundaries of food, imparting newfound sensations and enthusiasm through the Chefs’ culinary creations.

Kyohei Igarashiシェフは東北地方南部、海岸沿いに位置する山形県の調理師専門学校で学びました。卒業後は東京と横浜に移り、高級寿司店や懐石料理店の料理長の元で15年間、調理師として修行を積み技術を磨きました。その後、9年間海外で過ごし、各国の寿司や日本料理を研究しました。トロントに移る前は、日本でミシュラン1つ星を7年間維持した総料理長の元で海外のミシュラン星付き高級おまかせ寿司店のおまかせカウンターの責任者を務めていました。


Igarashiシェフは、「極上の寿司を味わう喜びを世界中と共有したい」という揺るぎない情熱を抱き、食材の天然の味と世界各国で身につけた独自のテクニックの創造的な組み合わせで、活気に満ちたトロントの食文化をさらに活気づけたいという想いでトロントにやってきました。Sushi Yūgenでは「食」の領域を超えた思い出に残る時間を提供し、シェフが生み出す料理を通して新感覚と感激を提供することを目指しています。

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